Why Do You Occasionally Bleed in the Same Room?

      There are many reasons why women may experience bleeding in the same room, such as hymen rupture, vaginal laceration, vaginitis, cervicitis, and malignant tumors. These are more common and often occur during sexual intercourse, so it is important to seek medical attention immediately after experiencing bleeding during sex. This will help to identify and address […]

Bleeding after Sex? What’s the Problem?

      Bleeding after sex is a common occurrence, especially among women, with countless possible reasons. For first-time sexual experiences, bleeding is normal and minor cases don’t require much concern. However, if a woman is pregnant, caution is necessary as there may be a risk of miscarriage. Certain gynecological diseases such as cervical cysts, cancer, and sexually […]

What is a Normal Frequency of Sexual Intercourse in a Month?

      In daily life, many people ask what the ideal frequency for sexual intercourse is. In fact, there is no specific concept for this kind of question. To achieve harmony in general sexual life, it is necessary to meet the physiological and psychological needs of both partners. This is an introduction.       The frequency of sexual activity […]